Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Dresses & Sentiments

I recently got a huge box in the mail from my Grandmother, full of her own things (yarn, fabric, sewing stuff, etc) and it really struck a cord in me. These things mean more than i can express... So i decided to use the fabric to make a dress.. I still have some work to do with the buttons, but i threw out the whole "uniform, identical white round button" idea and used various mis-matched navy blue, brown and gold buttons from my Grandmother's button jar. I have no doubt all the things from the box will be put to good use. The bottom dress is a dress I altered from a floor-length, shoulder-padded Good Will find.. Yeah!
Thank you Grandma,
Ps. Happy 100th Post!! :)


  1. These are absolutely beautiful. I'm in love with the first dress. Your grandma is a lovely person.

    When are you going to teach me how to sew? I must learn.

    Hope you are well. <3

  2. I feel bad commenting on every single one of your posts... but you are so adorable!

    Oh, and you should clean off your camera lens... sorry... slightly ocd, in case you hadn't heard.
