Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am sorry, so sorry... I feel that I have been a bit off my game lately. So what exactly have I been doing, you ask? Not a whole lot of anything. I did paint my nails (which my Mom would be quite proud of!) and perused the booths at the farmers market this weekend (the poor guy with the hazelnuts seemed confused and a little offended as to why i was only photographing the hazelnuts, not his smiling face.) Also, Nicole and I met with our friend Wesley at Steppingstone and chatted over brunch! I promise promise ill be better over the next few days.
Hope everyone is well (and I hope it cools off in Southern California! Heat is miserable, Sheesh!)


  1. I love the photo of Wesley's hands, it seems to me it captures his manner perfectly.

  2. Yes, but what about the toes??

    Love, Mom xo
