Monday, June 15, 2009

Various Shenanigans

hello, good morning!

summer summer summer!

spending my time:
-eating too much
-catching up on sleep
-playing with toby (my dog)
-seeing friends and family
-more eating

i recently got a new whistle from canoe which i have named the shenanigans whistle.

for calling shenanigans on people:

shenanigans whistle

hope you are enjoying your summer


  1. too bad shenanigans whistle wasnt present during my communications class. i would have called shenanigans on that woman so fast!

    ps. Nicole, our cat may have crapped ALL over the apartment... and then escaped to the comforts of your room (primarily your bed)...

    wait... we dont have a cat? that must have been me...

  2. I'm sure that whistle will come in handy with Rachel around this summer
