Monday, November 9, 2009

New Project: Try-It Tuesdays!

Hello long lost friends, Oh boy I'm going to cut straight to the chase today because I'm so excited about this... Nicole and I have decided to take on a new project with you all: Try-it Tuesdays. So some of you may recall the good ol' girl scout "brownie" days where young girls are given patches called "try-its" for well, trying! The patches weren't based on ability or skill, or even knowledge, they simply meant: you tried something new, and that's freaking awesome! And although were not touting that you go out and buy a zillion boxes of girl scout cookies (ok, we are.), we do think that you should still receive recognition for trying new things. So, whats the big deal, you ask? Ill tell you!

Every Tuesday we will come up with a new project for you...Some projects will ask you to make something (and show us, duh!), some will ask you to tell us something, to meet someone, to do something outside, simple enough, right?? Well for your participation, we vow to send you a little something special as our way of saying "Hey, you rock for tryin it!" Oh yeah, you can bet Nicole and I will be participating too!

So here it is, your first try-it Tuesday: Make a list of 5 things you enjoy about yourself.

Simple enough, right? Just post a comment with your list of lovely quirks and misshapen bones, and viola! Send us your address at, (seriously, we wouldn't have anyone to give it away to, so don't worry.) and be proud of yourself! Alright, yada yada... Here is my dosage of ego-stroking self-love:

Five Things I Love About Myself. by Rachel Stahl
1. I Like that the hair around my ears curls just so. I got it from my mama!
2. I cannot hold a grudge. Seriously, I cave. Butter, if you will.
3. I make it a point to hold doors open and talk to the mailman every day.
4. I really am clumsy, and I have amazing scars to prove it. Ask me to show you!
5. I love that I value my alone time, and I can respect when others need to be left alone too.

(p.s. The photo above (Richard Avedon) is a little tribute to our sweet new header, courtesy of Nicole!)



  1. i guess i will be second:

    five things i love about myself, by nicole:
    1. i like my laid back attitude, why get upset or stressed over the small things?
    2. i like that i am content just making things, or painting or drawing
    3. i like that i am up to trying new things
    4. i like that i am always hopeful and optimistic no matter how bad things get (this too shall pass)
    5. i like that i am content regardless of how polished i look, i can have bed head and no make-up and be happy.

    thank you rachel, i think you are super!

    this was cathartic

    i would also like to appreciate richard avedon and elephants

  2. five things i like about myself, by melanie
    1. i like that i grow organic vegetables and fruits that i can feed friends and family with
    2. i like that i take the time to enjoy my mornings; watching the sun rise while sipping coffee and eating a scrumptious breakfast
    3. i like that i realize that i have a great family
    4. i like that i make the effort to talk to people at gatherings who look like they don't know anyone there
    5. i like that i am not afraid to ask for directions (i really do get lost).

    thanks to rachel and nicole for their perspective on things


    1. I love that i write music
    2. I love that i'll always be with one girl
    3. I love that i'm tall and skinny
    4. I love that my friday nights are spent watching TV with my mom
    5. I love that i'm not afraid to yell out "NO!" at people who ask if i have time for their cause

    where is my patch!?

  4. Here goes...
    1. I like that each day I get older, I recognize a little more of my father in myself.
    2. I like that I had some part in the creation of two wonderful kids,
    3. I like it that just when people think they have me figured...I throw 'em for a loop.
    4. I like making others feel good.
    5. I love being content with my life!

  5. jer convinced me...

    1. I love that I play guitar.
    2. I love that I make people laugh.
    3. I love that I get way too into Bat for Lashes while riding home from campus at night.
    4. I love that I'm trying to graduate in under 3 years.
    5. I love that my idea of a fun time is playing "I Would Do Anything for Love" on the Jukebox at the Hotcake House several times in a row.

  6. 1. I like that I can play music for hours, and never get bored
    2. I make a point to be extra nice to people with somewhat crappy jobs, because a smile and a wave can do loads for someones mood
    3. I like that I am super nerdy and play videogames (and am pretty darn good at 'em, too!)
    4. I like realizing that the world is incredibly complicated, but being excited, not overwhelmed, at that fact
    5. I like that I love to learn, and am always willing to try something new!

  7. 1. I love my awful sense of humor.
    2. I love that my dreams have story-lines, even if they don't make sense.
    3. I love that I talk to my mom every week even if there is nothing to talk about.
    4. I love that I buy books impulsively.
    5. I love that I like being outside and exploring the world.

    I love you girls! And your elephants!

  8. five things i love about myself. by alex

    1. i don't have perfect teeth

    2. i can never remember people's names, even if i just met them.

    3. i didn't know how to ride a bike until i was about 11-years-old.

    4. how i've learned to stand up for myself.

    5. i make an effort to try something new every day.

    (6. that i know rachel stahl)

  9. 5 thing I love about myself-in no particular order.

    1. That I know what I want exists

    2. That my Dad is my best friend

    3. That I can admit when I'm wrong

    4. Sometimes I need to have a good cry

    5. I smile, a lot.
