Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Whole Foods, i love you so...

So today a friend of mine, Matt, invited me to come along and help pick out some fruit from Whole Foods, and after much, MUCH convincing, i couldn't resist. We tested out the grapes and MY GOD we found a whole new breed of amazing. We ended up buying two bunches and by the time we were back we (and by we, i mean I) had eaten them ALL. When fresh fruit is around i lose all sense of self-control.

Also, stumbled upon this beauty on Design Sponge.. In a kitchen like this, i would bake my life away...

Check out the rest of the Design Sponge Sneak Peek here.
Hope the day has been dandy!



  1. Those are honestly the best grapes I've ever had. Mini pockets of succulent grape juice. Gahh.

    I had a wonderful time today. I'm glad I convinced you to come along.
